Wilwood brake systems are specialized high-quality and high-performance components designed for performance-oriented vehicles. These systems are used across a wide range of vehicles, from sports cars to racing vehicles. However, it is crucial to use the appropriate brake fluid for these systems to function correctly and have a long lifespan.

What Brake Fluid To Use In Wilwood Brakes

Brake fluid is a critical component in brake systems, transmitting hydraulic pressure and dissipating heat. The selection of the correct brake fluid for use in performance-oriented brake systems like Wilwood’s affects the system’s performance, reliability, and durability.

Selecting brake fluid in accordance with Wilwood’s manufacturer recommendations is essential for maximizing safety and performance. Typically, DOT (Department of Transportation) compliant brake fluids are used in Wilwood brake systems. These standards ensure that the fluid remains stable and maintains its performance within specific temperature ranges.

Brake fluids suitable for Wilwood brake systems generally fall into the DOT 3, DOT 4, or DOT 5.1 classifications. These fluids have properties such as high-temperature resistance, preventing moisture absorption, and corrosion prevention. However, it is important to refer to Wilwood’s product documentation or user manual to determine which type of brake fluid to use, as different models and systems may have varying requirements.

wilwood brake kits

wilwood brake kits

DOT 3 brake fluid is typically suitable for standard driving conditions and has a wide range of applications. DOT 4 brake fluid offers higher temperature resistance and performance, making it preferable for high-performance applications. DOT 5.1 brake fluid offers similar properties to DOT 3 and DOT 4 but provides higher temperature resistance and is often used in racing applications.

In some special applications of Wilwood brake systems, especially where preserving elastomer seals is necessary, DOT 5 silicone-based brake fluid may be preferred. These brake fluids offer higher temperature tolerance and lower moisture absorption. However, due to DOT 5 fluids being silicone-based, they may cause compatibility issues and seal swelling in some brake systems.

In conclusion, the selection of brake fluid for use in Wilwood brake systems is critical for safety, performance, and longevity. Choosing the correct type and class of brake fluid in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations ensures optimal performance of the brake system and enhances vehicle safety.